


public class KetaiBluetooth

The Class KetaiBluetooth manages the bluetooth connections and service on the android device. This class has been tested and can manage multiple simultaneous bluetooth connections. The maximum number of connections varied by device limitations but 3 simultaneous connections were typical.

To receive data from bluetooth connections a sketch should define the following method:

void onBluetoothDataEvent(String who, byte[] data)

who - the name of the device sending the data
data - byte array of the data received

protected PApplet parent

The parent.

protected BluetoothAdapter bluetoothAdapter

The bluetooth adapter.

private HashMap<String, String> pairedDevices

The paired devices.

private HashMap<String, String> discoveredDevices

The discovered devices.

private HashMap<String, KBluetoothConnection> currentConnections

The current connections.

private KBluetoothListener btListener

The bt listener.

private ConnectThread mConnectThread

The m connect thread.

private boolean isStarted = false

The is started.

protected Method onBluetoothDataEventMethod

The on bluetooth data event method.

protected UUID MY_UUID_SECURE = UUID.fromString("00001101-0000-1000-8000-00805F9B34FB")

The my uuid secure.

protected UUID MY_UUID_INSECURE = UUID.fromString("00001101-0000-1000-8000-00805F9B34FB")

The my uuid insecure.

protected String NAME_SECURE = "BluetoothSecure"

The name secure.

protected String NAME_INSECURE = "BluetoothInsecure"

The name insecure.

final static int BLUETOOTH_ENABLE_REQUEST = 1


public KetaiBluetooth(PApplet _parent)

Instantiates a new ketai bluetooth instance

the calling sketch/activity

  • Parameters: _parent
public void setSLIPMode(boolean _flag)

Sets the sLIP mode(experimental).

the new sLIP mode

  • Parameters: _flag
public boolean isStarted()

Checks if we've started.

  • Returns: true, if is started
public BluetoothAdapter getBluetoothAdapater()

Gets the bluetooth adapater.

  • Returns: the bluetooth adapater
public boolean isDiscovering()

Checks if we are discovering devices.

  • Returns: true, if we're discovering
public void onActivityResult(int requestCode, int resultCode, Intent data)

On activity result.

the request code the result code the data from the activty result

  • Parameters:
    • requestCode
    • resultCode
    • data
public boolean isDiscoverable()

Checks if we're discoverable.

  • Returns: true, if we're discoverable
public boolean start()

Start the service

  • Returns: true, if successful
public String getAddress()

Gets our hardware address.

  • Returns: the address
public ArrayList<String> getDiscoveredDeviceNames()

Gets the discovered device names.

  • Returns: discovered device names
public ArrayList<String> getPairedDeviceNames()

Gets the paired device names.

  • Returns: paired device names
public ArrayList<String> getConnectedDeviceNames()

Gets the connected device names.

  • Returns: the connected device names
public ArrayList<String> getConnectedDeviceLabel()

Gets the connected device composite label.

  • Returns: the connected device names
public ArrayList<String> getConnectedDeviceAddresses()

Gets the connected hardware addresses.

  • Returns: the connected device addresses
public boolean disconnectDevice(String device)

Disconnects device.

  • Returns: True if connection was found and closed
public boolean connectToDeviceByName(String _name)

Connect to device by name.

the _name

  • Parameters: _name
  • Returns: true, if successful
public boolean connectDevice(String _hwAddress)

Connect device by hardware address (more reliable since HW addresses are supposed to be unique.

the _hw address

  • Parameters: _hwAddress
  • Returns: true, if successful
public boolean connectDeviceUsingSLIP(String _hwAddress)

Connect device using slip.

the _hw address

  • Parameters: _hwAddress
  • Returns: true, if successful
public boolean connectDevice(BluetoothSocket _socket)

Connect device.

the _socket

  • Parameters: _socket
  • Returns: true, if successful
public void discoverDevices()

Discover devices.

public String lookupAddressByName(String _name)

Lookup address by name.

the _name

  • Parameters: _name
  • Returns: the string
public void writeToDeviceName(String _name, byte[] data)

Write to device name.

the _name of the device/connection the data

  • Parameters:
    • _name
    • data
public void write(String _deviceAddress, byte[] data)

Write data to a device through their hardware address

the _device hardware address the data

  • Parameters:
    • _deviceAddress
    • data
public void broadcast(byte[] data)

Send data to all connected devices.

the data

  • Parameters: data
protected void removeConnection(KBluetoothConnection c)

Removes the connection.

the connection reference

  • Parameters: c
public void makeDiscoverable()

Make discoverable.

private final BroadcastReceiver mReceiver = new BroadcastReceiver()

The m receiver.

private void findParentIntention()

Find parent callback methods.

public void stop()


private class ConnectThread extends Thread

The Class ConnectThread.

private final BluetoothSocket mmSocket

The mm socket.

protected final BluetoothDevice mmDevice

The mm device.

private String mSocketType

The m socket type.

public ConnectThread(BluetoothDevice device, boolean secure)

Instantiates a new connect thread.

the device the secure

  • Parameters:
    • device
    • secure
public void cancel()
