


public class UriRecord implements ParsedNdefRecord

A parsed record containing a Uri.

public static final String RECORD_TYPE = "UriRecord"

The Constant RECORD_TYPE.

@SuppressWarnings("serial") private static final HashMap<Byte, String> URI_PREFIX_MAP = new HashMap<Byte, String>()

NFC Forum "URI Record Type Definition"

This is a mapping of "URI Identifier Codes" to URI string prefixes, per section 3.2.2 of the NFC Forum URI Record Type Definition document.

private final Uri mUri

The m uri.

private UriRecord(Uri uri)

Instantiates a new uri record.

  • Parameters: uri — the uri
public Uri getUri()

Gets the uri.

  • Returns: the uri
public static UriRecord parse(NdefRecord record)

Convert {@link android.nfc.NdefRecord} into a {@link}. This will handle both TNF_WELL_KNOWN / RTD_URI and TNF_ABSOLUTE_URI.

  • Parameters: record — the record
  • Returns: the uri record
private static UriRecord parseAbsolute(NdefRecord record)

Parse and absolute URI record.

  • Parameters: record — the record
  • Returns: the uri record
private static UriRecord parseWellKnown(NdefRecord record)

Parse an well known URI record.

  • Parameters: record — the record
  • Returns: the uri record
public static boolean isUri(NdefRecord record)

Checks if is uri.

  • Parameters: record — the record
  • Returns: true, if is uri